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Some friends of mine from online gaming gave my the name Enriqueta. Some of these parties became movie marathons as well as games. I think Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome was the closest the group got to seeing a horror movie since he started calling me "Kraig" because I liked sleazy horror movies. They eventually started calling me "NAME" because I was called "NAME", which is an abbreviation of Felipe. My pseudonym is now what I use to write movie reviews, blog posts, social media updates, and other content. While I love both old and modern movies, Film Reviews I find the racy ones to be more appealing. I prefer the nerdier side because I love the 1980s. I enjoy music and pop culture in the 1980s. Horror movies are also a favorite decade. I particularly like older computers. You can find all these topics and more on my blog.

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Film Palaces
City Lights: A Film Blog
Scream Crypt
Poor Amusement Admissions
CREEPMAS : A Celebration of the Hallowdays

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